শনিবার, ৮ জানুয়ারী, ২০১১

Government Expenditure and Share of Foreign Assistance and education loan

The Tenth Plan is being prepared in a difficult period. The insurgencies and political instability, and the economic downturn, education loan, student loans,online masters degree, online colleges, online degrees,  education degrees, online university have made it difficult to predict future development scenario. The Tenth Plan has accordingly laid out two growth scenario–one with 6.2% economic growth if the normalcy returns quickly and growth takes a normal path, and the other one with 4.3% of economic growth if the current situation persists for most of the Tenth Plan period. 
In the first scenario of 6.2% growth, an estimated expenditure of Rs.505 billion is visualized for five years’ period of which Rs.234 billion will be on development expenses like education loan, student loans,online masters degree, online colleges, online degrees,  education degrees, online university.In this scenario, education sector, online masters degree, online colleges, online degrees,  education degrees, online university  is expected to get Rs.72.6 billion of which Rs.51.5 will be for regular and Rs. 21.1 for development expenses. These preliminary estimates are made on the basis of 19% of total regular expenditure going to education loan, student loan while in case of total development expenditure, 9%  will go to this sector like education loan, student loans,online masters degree, online colleges, online degrees,  education degrees, online university. Term Expenditure Framework worked out its budgetary allocation with these shares to education loan sector, student loan system, education degrees, bachelor degrees, psychology thesis, online colleges degrees, online university degrees, online masters degrees.

In the second scenario of 4.3% growth rate, education sector, education degrees, online university, education loan, student loans,online masters degree, online colleges, online degrees, is allotted Rs.70 billion of which Rs.18.5 billion on development expenditure. The regular expenditure level has remained the same for both the scenario.  

The Tenth Plan is prepared as the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper of the country. Term Expenditure Framework is also prepared. It gives a budgetary frame for three years in education degrees, online university, online colleges, online degrees, education loan, student loans,online masters degree. The total estimated expenditure for education, education loan, student loans,online masters degree, online colleges, online degrees, for three years’ period is worked out at Rs.45.25 billion. Of this, Rs.34.17 billion will be on regular item heads and Rs.11.08 billion on development expenses.