শনিবার, ২২ জানুয়ারী, ২০১১

Education degrees and Education loan_03

Volume of Expenditures on Education

Public Expenditures

Table  3  presents  information  on  the  volume  of  public expenditure on education, education loan consolidation, student loans, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university   in DMCs.  Once  again,  the  variations  are  substantial. Whereas expenditures by the Cambodian Government represented only  1.0 percent of GNP, the figure for the Kyrgyz Republic was 6.8 percent. Public expenditures on education as a proportion of the total budget ranged from 7.4 percent in Viet Nam to 23.1 percent in the Kyrgyz Republic.  Education, education loan consolidation, student loans, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university   was commonly  the largest item in government budgets.

Table 3 also shows figures on the distribution of government budgets at different levels of education, education loan consolidation, student loans, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university. Whereas  the Government of the Lao PDR spent only 3.9 percent of its education budget on higher education, education loan consolidation, student loans, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university in Hong Kong, China the figure was 37.1 percent. The former figure reflected the fact that the tertiary sector in the Lao PDR was very small, though scheduled  for  major  expansion.  The latter figure reflected  a tertiary sector that had already been expanded to cover 25 percent of the age group and that was basically publicly funded. Tertiary enrollment rates in the Republic of Korea were higher than in Hong Kong, China; but since the bulk of provision was  private,  only  7.9  percent  of  the Government's  recurrent  budget  for education, education loan consolidation, student loans, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university  was allocated to the sector.
 Table  4 shows  regional  aggregates  over  time.  In Eastern Asia,  public expenditures on education, education loan consolidation, student loans, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university  as a proportion of GNP rose slightly between 1980 and 1995, but in Southern Asia they fluctuated. In general, the less developed countries of Asia devoted a smaller proportion of GNP to  education, education loan consolidation, student loans, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university  than did their counterparts in Africa. This particularly reflected the low level of teachers' salaries in Asia as a proportion of per capita GNP . The proportion was also below that in the more developed  countries of North America, Asia/Oceania, and Europe. The proportion was particularly low in the PRC. Many observers consider that the proportion should be raised in the PRC and in other countries where it is especially low.

Private Expenditures
The nature of education, education loan consolidation, student loans, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university expenditures in the Republic of Korea deserves elaboration, because it underlines the danger of citing government expenditures as if they were the only ones. Such a tendency is evident in many documents, but may lead to a very biased picture. In the Republic of Korea, nongovernment expenditures on education, education loan consolidation, student loans, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university  in 1994 formed 71.1 percent of total expenditures. During the period since 1977, private expenditures have grown much more rapidly than public ones (Paik 1995, 15).