Education financing and loan system in Phillipine (06)
Lessons learned from the Indian Higher Education System
At present, India has about 304 universities, including 62 Deemed Universities , 11 open universities, and 15,000 colleges, incorporating approximately 10 million
students, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university and 0.5 million teachers. This makes it the second largest higher education system in the world. The overall expansion over a period of time has been appreciable, with student enrolment growing at 5 percent annually over the past two decades. In spite of all this increase in enrolment, only 7.2 percent of the population in age group 17 to 23 constitute the participating group.
The private sector in Indian education, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university has a different magnitude of funding assistance . In fact, one may arrive at an unacceptable conclusion that India has a big private sector involvement in higher education, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university.India has a long history of private institutions like online colleges, online university subsequently getting attached to the state. Reliance on state for resources has almost doubled, i.e., from 49 percent in the beginning of the fifth decade to about 84 percent in the beginning of the last decade of the 20th century. On the other hand, the contribution of non-state funding resources has declined drastically.
The structural adjustment policies, which envisaged macro economic stabilization and adjustment, led to a reduction in public expenditures and the introduction of cost recovery measures, education loan, student loan accompanied by policy measures toward the ‘direct privatisation of higher education’ (Tilak, 2001). The new economic reforms and the policy of government is currently encouraging augmentation of resources, exacerbating cost recovery on a larger scale. The fear expressed by many economists/educationalists is that with privatisation, the justification for government funding would be hit hard but this statement can be considered too early. The public sector system, which has been built over a long period of time, will not fall down suddenly. The role of the government in funding shall remain. There has already been large-scale investment by the government, so the fear that private investment alone in higher education, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university would be socially sub- optimal does substantiate in the case of India. Although many committees (UGC 1997, 1999 & 2000) and reports (Srivatava and Sen, 1997; Ambani and Birla, 2001) have called for cost recovery and reforms, the road to it is still imprecise.
Although many private institutions, online colleges, online university across states/provinces have been established, the path towards privatisation still remains unclear in terms of policy framework, this in spite of the interest of the government. No precise policy seems to have been implemented to encourage, regulate and monitor the private higher education, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university system.
The private higher education, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university sector in India will take place on a larger scale in the coming years, in absence of sufficient resources to even sustain the present system, although the expansion of the present public sector, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university system remains a far dream. The government has to acknowledge the need to attract private investment into higher education, education loan, student loans, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university and the necessity for the private sector to generate financial returns on investments, as has been done in Philippines, but taxing even the sectarian profit seeking institutions in the tax periphery. In order to meet the rising private demand for higher education, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university the need for sustainable private investment will not take place in the absence of some guarantee of operational autonomy to respond to market demands and a fair return to compensate for opportunity costs and market risks.
The presence of higher quality private institutions, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university would increase the participation of higher income groups in private, fee paying education, thus reducing the subsidy by the non-users (lower incomes) to the users (higher incomes). The savings of the government can be redirected towards extending opportunities.
The expansion of private higher education like education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university will require increased government responsibility, especially in providing legislative and policy frameworks for the establishment and operation of private higher education institutions, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university quality assurance, monitoring and accreditation. In order to emphasize the quality aspect, more agencies should be formed which could accredit individual programs rather than just the whole institution. The accreditation should be made mandatory instead of being optional.
In considering the issue of equity, a fixed percentage of seats can be subsidized with regard to tuition and other fees along with some living allowance for students from disadvantaged socio- economic backgrounds , and it should be noted that it should not alter the quality balance of inputs drastically which may lead to wastage or discrimination. Even government could partially add to this by extending assistance.The growing financial constraints on educational investments combined with strong private demand for higher education, education loan, student loans, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university should encourage reforms in public universities in terms of increasing the share of financial support provided by individuals and their families rather than subsidising all students, and also recognising the future role of the private sector, online colleges, online university in the policy frame of the government.
An insight into the negative features of private higher education, education loan, student loans, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university system throws light on quality disparity, inequality, overloaded faculties, lack of research etc. But this system has its own very strong successes. The private education institutions, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university have been able to fulfill the private demand for higher education, in the absence of the capacity of the state to do so. It is these institutions that have made higher education, education loan, student loans, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university accessible. The existence of a high number of private institutions and high enrolment in private sector, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university has been able to save public resources. On the other hand, the Indian higher education, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university is facing a financial crisis. The government is not in a position to even sustain the present system, although expansion remains a dream. Because of growing private demand and in the absence of sufficient resources, the role of the private sector, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university has to be recognised by the government while including profit as an objective of their entrance and existence. It is here where many positive features of the private higher education, education loan, student loans, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university of the Philippines can be replicated owing to its long experience.
students, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university and 0.5 million teachers. This makes it the second largest higher education system in the world. The overall expansion over a period of time has been appreciable, with student enrolment growing at 5 percent annually over the past two decades. In spite of all this increase in enrolment, only 7.2 percent of the population in age group 17 to 23 constitute the participating group.
The private sector in Indian education, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university has a different magnitude of funding assistance . In fact, one may arrive at an unacceptable conclusion that India has a big private sector involvement in higher education, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university.India has a long history of private institutions like online colleges, online university subsequently getting attached to the state. Reliance on state for resources has almost doubled, i.e., from 49 percent in the beginning of the fifth decade to about 84 percent in the beginning of the last decade of the 20th century. On the other hand, the contribution of non-state funding resources has declined drastically.
The structural adjustment policies, which envisaged macro economic stabilization and adjustment, led to a reduction in public expenditures and the introduction of cost recovery measures, education loan, student loan accompanied by policy measures toward the ‘direct privatisation of higher education’ (Tilak, 2001). The new economic reforms and the policy of government is currently encouraging augmentation of resources, exacerbating cost recovery on a larger scale. The fear expressed by many economists/educationalists is that with privatisation, the justification for government funding would be hit hard but this statement can be considered too early. The public sector system, which has been built over a long period of time, will not fall down suddenly. The role of the government in funding shall remain. There has already been large-scale investment by the government, so the fear that private investment alone in higher education, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university would be socially sub- optimal does substantiate in the case of India. Although many committees (UGC 1997, 1999 & 2000) and reports (Srivatava and Sen, 1997; Ambani and Birla, 2001) have called for cost recovery and reforms, the road to it is still imprecise.
Although many private institutions, online colleges, online university across states/provinces have been established, the path towards privatisation still remains unclear in terms of policy framework, this in spite of the interest of the government. No precise policy seems to have been implemented to encourage, regulate and monitor the private higher education, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university system.
The private higher education, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university sector in India will take place on a larger scale in the coming years, in absence of sufficient resources to even sustain the present system, although the expansion of the present public sector, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university system remains a far dream. The government has to acknowledge the need to attract private investment into higher education, education loan, student loans, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university and the necessity for the private sector to generate financial returns on investments, as has been done in Philippines, but taxing even the sectarian profit seeking institutions in the tax periphery. In order to meet the rising private demand for higher education, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university the need for sustainable private investment will not take place in the absence of some guarantee of operational autonomy to respond to market demands and a fair return to compensate for opportunity costs and market risks.
The presence of higher quality private institutions, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university would increase the participation of higher income groups in private, fee paying education, thus reducing the subsidy by the non-users (lower incomes) to the users (higher incomes). The savings of the government can be redirected towards extending opportunities.
The expansion of private higher education like education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university will require increased government responsibility, especially in providing legislative and policy frameworks for the establishment and operation of private higher education institutions, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university quality assurance, monitoring and accreditation. In order to emphasize the quality aspect, more agencies should be formed which could accredit individual programs rather than just the whole institution. The accreditation should be made mandatory instead of being optional.
In considering the issue of equity, a fixed percentage of seats can be subsidized with regard to tuition and other fees along with some living allowance for students from disadvantaged socio- economic backgrounds , and it should be noted that it should not alter the quality balance of inputs drastically which may lead to wastage or discrimination. Even government could partially add to this by extending assistance.The growing financial constraints on educational investments combined with strong private demand for higher education, education loan, student loans, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university should encourage reforms in public universities in terms of increasing the share of financial support provided by individuals and their families rather than subsidising all students, and also recognising the future role of the private sector, online colleges, online university in the policy frame of the government.
An insight into the negative features of private higher education, education loan, student loans, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university system throws light on quality disparity, inequality, overloaded faculties, lack of research etc. But this system has its own very strong successes. The private education institutions, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university have been able to fulfill the private demand for higher education, in the absence of the capacity of the state to do so. It is these institutions that have made higher education, education loan, student loans, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university accessible. The existence of a high number of private institutions and high enrolment in private sector, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university has been able to save public resources. On the other hand, the Indian higher education, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university is facing a financial crisis. The government is not in a position to even sustain the present system, although expansion remains a dream. Because of growing private demand and in the absence of sufficient resources, the role of the private sector, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university has to be recognised by the government while including profit as an objective of their entrance and existence. It is here where many positive features of the private higher education, education loan, student loans, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university of the Philippines can be replicated owing to its long experience.
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