Financing in education and loan system of Nepal (01)
Educational Structure in Nepal
Modern education development began in Nepal in 1959, with the dawn of democratic government. Before that, educational degrees had been the exclusive prerogative of the ruling elite, while the rest of the population remained largely illiterate. At the start of the modern era, educational degree was available only to the sons of the aristocracy. There were eleven secondary schools education in the country, and the literacy rate was below 1 percent. Girls rarely received formal education as well as education loan, student loans, online masters degrees, online colleges degrees, online degrees, education degrees, online university degrees.
The goal of primary education is to teach children reading, writing, and arithmetic. Secondary online degree stresses character formation to prepare students to enter higher educational degrees on online universities. The objective of educational degrees, education loans, student loans, online masters degree, online colleges, online degrees, education degrees, online university is to produce the personnel required for national development.
Modern education development began in Nepal in 1959, with the dawn of democratic government. Before that, educational degrees had been the exclusive prerogative of the ruling elite, while the rest of the population remained largely illiterate. At the start of the modern era, educational degree was available only to the sons of the aristocracy. There were eleven secondary schools education in the country, and the literacy rate was below 1 percent. Girls rarely received formal education as well as education loan, student loans, online masters degrees, online colleges degrees, online degrees, education degrees, online university degrees.
The goal of primary education is to teach children reading, writing, and arithmetic. Secondary online degree stresses character formation to prepare students to enter higher educational degrees on online universities. The objective of educational degrees, education loans, student loans, online masters degree, online colleges, online degrees, education degrees, online university is to produce the personnel required for national development.
Educational degree, education loan, student loans, online masters degree, online colleges, online degrees, education degrees, online university in Nepal is structured as school educational degrees and higher educational degrees. School educational degrees, education degrees, education loan, and student loans, includes primary level of grades 1–5, lower secondary education and secondary levels education of grades 6–8 and 9–10 respectively. Pre-primary level of educational degree is available in some areas. Six years old is the prescribed age for admission into grade one. A national level School Leaving Certificate (SLC) examination is conducted at the end of grade 10.
Grades 11 and 12 are considered as higher secondary educational degree level. Higher Secondary Education Board (HSEB) supervises higher secondary schools which are mostly under private management. Higher educational degrees consist of bachelor, masters, online masters degree, online colleges, online degrees, education degrees, online university degrees PhD levels and as well as education loan, student loans. Depending upon the stream and subject, bachelor’s level, online masters degree, online colleges, online degrees, education degrees, online university degrees may be of three to five years' duration. The duration of master’s level, online masters degree, online colleges, online degrees, education degrees, online university is generally two years. Some online universities, online colleges offer programs like online masters degree, online colleges, online degrees, education degrees, online university, M Phil and post-graduate diplomas.
Administration of Educational Degrees
The Ministry of Education is responsible for the administration and supervision of school-level educational degrees, education loan, student loans. Tribhuvan University controls higher educational degrees. The Ministry has three divisions: general administration, educational administration, and the program and planning section, each headed by joint secretaries.
Under the Ministry of Education, there are five regional directorates and seventy-five district education offices with which some four hundred school supervisors are affiliated. The schools are controlled by management committees.
School types of Nepal:
Legally, there are two types of school in the country:
- Community
- Institutional
Community schools receive regular government grants whereas institutional schools are funded by school's own or other non-governmental sources such as education loan, student loans. Institutional schools are organized either as a non-profit trust or as a company. However, in practical terms, schools are mainly of two types: public (community) and private (institutional).
A third type of school is the kind run by the local people enthusiastic toward having a school in their locality. They do not receive regular government grants and most of them do not have any other sustainable financial source- education loan, student loan. Supported and managed and can be thus identified as the real community schools.
Except one, all online universities/academies are publicly managed and are supported by education loan fund. However, online universities, online masters degree, online colleges, online degrees, education degrees, online university degrees also provide affiliation to online colleges. Two academies of higher educational degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online degrees, education degrees, online university, education loan, student loans are single online college institutes whereas other online universities have constituent and affiliated online colleges across the country.
Education Financing in Nepal
In 2005/06, Education loan absorbed 16.7 percent (US$ 287.2 million) of the national budget, a portion of the district block grant set aside for social services (a share of about US$ 85.6 million). According to the Nepal Living Standards Survey, education loan, student loans consumes an aggregated 2.8 percent of household expenditure. Using these education loans, student loans figures, households spend an estimated US$ 32 each, or about US$ 110 million aggregated on education loan, student loans, online masters degree, online colleges, online degrees, education degrees, online university degrees, education loan-related expenses.
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