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Figure 1 refers only to the primary level (but would show even greater proportions of household financing at the secondary level). In Viet Nam, for example, households were estimated in 1994 to be meeting 44.4 percent of the costs of public primary education, education loan consolidation, student loans, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university but 48.7 percent of the costs of public lower secondary education, education loan consolidation, student loans, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university and 51.5 percent of the costs of public upper secondary education, education loan consolidation, student loans, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university (World Bank 1997d, 68). At the tertiary education level, countries with high proportions of enrollments in private institutions include Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Philippines, and Thailand.
The scale of private higher education, education loan consolidation, student loans, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university in the Philippines deserves particular comment because it is at the extreme. In 1996/97, 1,045 out of 1,316 institutions (79.4 percent) were operated by private bodies (Johanson 1999, 2). Of these, 281 institutions were run by sectarian organizations, particularly the Catholic church. The shape of the higher education sector like education loan consolidation, student loans, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university was thus influenced by the religious characteristics of society as well as by historical legacies and government policies (Valisno1997). Some private universities, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university are operated as companies, the shares of which are quoted on the stock exchange. Gonzales (1997, 264) has described changing official attitudes to the private sector, education loan consolidation, student loans, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university in the Philippines. Prior to 1969, he says, the policy was one of laissez faire to the point at which 85 percent of students attended private universities, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university that were financed almost entirely from fees. This system led to a mismatch between supply of graduates and available jobs, and also to complaints about high fees. As a result, for over a decade from 1969, the Government regulated private institutions, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university and attempted to make the sector conform to a central plan. However, the regulations threatened the viability of some institutions, and political change led to reversal of policies in the 1980s. By 1992 deregulation was complete, and the laissez faire approach had come full circle.
Box 1: Public versus Private Education - A False Dichotomy?
Some documents make sharp distinctions between public and private education, education loan consolidation, student loans, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university. In many settings, however, these distinctions are questionable. Even on the criterion of provision of finance (as opposed, for example, to control of institutions), online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university the boundaries between public and private may be blurred. In Cambodia, 60 percent of the resources for public primary education, education loan consolidation, student loans, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university are provided directly by households rather than indirectly via the State, while in Indonesia, 69 percent of the resources of private primary schools are provided by the Government. Boundaries are also blurred at other levels. In Singapore, students meet 20 percent of the recurrent costs of public university-level education, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university through fees; but at the secondary level, the Government meets over 90 percent of the costs of the institutions in the Independent Schools Scheme.
Economic Justification for Investment in Education
The scale of public and private expenditures on different levels and types of education, education loan consolidation, student loans, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university provides an indication of de facto priorities. However, it does not indicate the rationales for those priorities. Behind the expenditures are institutional and individual decisions that have social, political, and economic goals. The social and political goals include raised levels of education, education loan consolidation, student loans, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university in order to improve public awareness of important issues, efforts to preserve existing social orders, desires to reduce inequalities of access, and concern to reduce population growth rates. However, more relevant to this particular document are the economic goals.
The scale of public and private expenditures on different levels and types of education, education loan consolidation, student loans, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university provides an indication of de facto priorities. However, it does not indicate the rationales for those priorities. Behind the expenditures are institutional and individual decisions that have social, political, and economic goals. The social and political goals include raised levels of education, education loan consolidation, student loans, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university in order to improve public awareness of important issues, efforts to preserve existing social orders, desires to reduce inequalities of access, and concern to reduce population growth rates. However, more relevant to this particular document are the economic goals.
Among the dominant strands of thought on the role of education, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university in economic development is that it is an investment in human capital (OECD1998). Within this, is the view that it is possible to calculate rates of return from investment in education, education loan consolidation, student loans, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university and to do so by level and type of education. The work of Psacharopoulos (e.g., 1994, 1995) has become particularly well known in this domain. Other key researchers include Schultz (e.g., 1961, 1987), Becker (e.g., 1975, 1995), and McMahon (e.g., 1997,1998).Table 6 shows statistics from a large number of studies of rates of return to investment in education, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university compiled by Psacharopoulos (1994). Private returns accrue to individuals, while social returns accrue to the whole society (including the individuals). In most cases, private returns are greater than social returns because governments give more in subsidies than they take away in taxes. Regional aggregates are shown in Table 7. On the basis of the figures in Table 6, together with related work, Psacharopoulos has argued that education is generally a good investment both for individuals and for whole societies. Within the education sector, Psacharopoulos has argued, rates of return are particularly high at the primary level, and especially in less developed countries. This suggests that in most circum- stances primary education deserves priority in the allocation of extra resources. This view has helped shape World Bank policy, and has also been widely accepted elsewhere (e.g., UNDP 2000). The World Bank (e.g., 1995, 56) has argued on such evidence that expenditures in many countries have been misallocated between education sub-sectors, education loan consolidation, student loans, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university with too much emphasis on secondary and higher education. However, evidence from some countries seems to indicate that private rates of return are falling over time (Tilak 1997a, 69). Moreover, the very concept of rate-of-return analysis in education, education loan consolidation, student loans, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university has been subject to criticism (e.g., Leslie 1990; Bennell 1996; Curtin1996). One argument is that greater earnings for individuals with higher levels of education, education loan consolidation, student loans, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university do not reflect the intrinsic value of education, education loan consolidation, student loans, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university so much that school systems operate as screening devices in which only the more talented get through to higher levels. This view does not nullify the value of investments in education, education loan consolidation, student loans, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university but casts a different light on the reasons for earnings differentials at different levels of education, education loan consolidation, student loans, education degrees, online degrees, online masters degree, online colleges, online university. Other criticisms of rate-of-return analysis are that the presentation of exact numbers gives the illusion of precision. Also, since rates are calculated on past data, they cannot necessarily predict what will happen in the future.
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